Screenshot film

Un film mostra com’era essere neri durante il Nazismo

Where hands touch è un film di Amma Asante che racconta la storia di una ragazza nera in Germania durante il Nazismo

In Inghilterra lo scorso anno è stato ufficialmente rilasciato il film Where hands touch. La storia è nata dal ritrovamento, da parte della regista inglese-ganese Amma Asante, di una vecchia fotografia di una studentessa nera scattata dai nazisti. Lei in mezzo ai suoi compagni di classe, tutti bianchi. La donna si incuriosì sulla storia della ragazza: chi era? Cosa ci faceva in Germania? Queste domande condussero la registra già vincitrice di numerosi premi a dirigere Where Hands Touch, film con attori quali Amadla Stenberg e George MacKay.

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(Where hands touch) Sooo as promised, here my Comment on this movie. First of all i have to say i wished so much for a good movie set in this German Time period and i expected to Love it so much BUT then i saw it last Night. SPOILERS! ~ What i liked: I liked most of the actors and thought they did a great job even though amandla annoyed me multiple times (don't fight me please). I loved the costumes and the whole aesthetic and i liked how they portrayed Lutz as an example of a young German Boy who is Influenced by the totalitarian state and ideology. ~ What i disliked: HISTORICAL INACCURACY and not only small details but at some points it was ultimately ridiculous. His father is one of the highest ranking SS Officers in Berlin. He leaves and Leyna and Lutz Go into the House and dance to New Orleans Jazz plus sleeping with each other on the floor of his father's Office. Excuse me? Despite the fact that in real life hundereds of others soldiers would be in the house keeping everything organised preparing stuff until their Officer comes back, the characters act nothing but illogical. Leyna is discriminated for being a black girl but points at other People yelling they are "Dirty Jews" and always underlines "I AM NOT A JEW!". Wow great Character. *clapping*. I didn't like how the whole topic of Holocaust and surveillance was treated, at some points i asked myself if they couldn't afford a historian to look over their plot or if i saw a good fantasy movie. If you deal with the Holocaust you don't want to entertain People, if you decide to choose this topic you carry some responsibility to not let it seem ridiculous but bring those people who did or did not survive the holocaust and concentration camps honor. In my eyes the movie completely failed claiming the aim of showing discrimination and the consequences of the ideology during the third reich. It was not the aim to give an unrealistic dramatic love story, if so please choose another time period but not this one. Bring some respect towards the people who were victims.

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Il film: una storia d’amore d’invenzione basata su documenti storici

Il film racconta una storia d’amore tra una ragazza meticcia e un giovane hitleriano. È certamente una storia d’invenzione, ma si basa su documenti storici. I racconti dei neri durante il razzismo sono poco noti. Amma Asante ha impiegato quasi 12 anni per conoscere la storia della ragazza e poterla raccontare sul grande schermo.

La storia dei neri durante il Nazismo

Durante il Nazismo, gli africani tedeschi erano diversi migliaia. Non potevano avere relazioni con persone bianche, erano esclusi dall’educazione e da alcuni impieghi lavorativi. Alcuni furono persino portati a morire nei campi di concentramento. Nel 1935 le leggi di Norimberga catalogavano rom e neri nella stessa categoria degli ebrei. Amma Asante, in un’intervista per la BBC, ha raccontato che «Spesso c’è una forma di miscredenza, di interrogativi e addirittura di disprezzo verso le vite difficili che hanno dovuto affrontare queste persone». Molte di loro soffrirono una crisi identitaria. Avevano un genitore tedesco e consideravano se stessi come tedeschi, ma erano allo stesso tempo isolati e mai del tutto accettati. «I bambini vivevano in due posti allo stesso tempo. Erano insider e outsider». Amma Asante racconta che il suo film renderà difficile negare che la gente nera soffriva nelle mani dei nazisti. «Penso ci sia molta ignoranza e attualmente ci sono molte parti oscure su ciò a cui questa gente andava incontro».

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Complex, nuanced stories about people of color are largely absent from history books. And when our stories ARE told, they are frequently postulated through the lens of whiteness and colonization. Which is why I am honored to share the story of Leyna with dear mentor and incredible woman @iammaasante whose work and intention in this world I’ve revered since “Belle”. Few are aware of the children who were labeled “Rhineland Bastards” by the Nazi regime and were persecuted in Hitler’s Germany. These so-called bastards were the children of German women and Afro-French soldiers who occupied the Rhineland during World War I. Leyna is an Afro-German child who faces compulsory sterilization and internment because of her biracial identity. Where Hands Touch is a story of race, of identity, of a mother’s love for her child, and of romantic love that transcends race. It is a story about retaining humanity in the face of dehumanization. It is a story about an abhorrent dictatorship that intentionally wields divisive tactics to perpetuate fear; it is this fear that propels mass genocide. Finally, it is a story that feels particularly resonant right now, given what is happening in America and the world at large. Premiering at TIFF this Sunday.

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Immagine di copertina: Screenshot film Where hands touch